TWO. is not a solo

I read in a book 
thinking is a form of feeling 
and feeling is a form of thinking
I was so happy to know 
there are not only two ends of the line
not only two ends of the road
that you can be both
that things can be found in between things 

After her solo performances ONE. and ALL., Lisa Verbelen will form a duo in TWO. with celebrated jazz musician Hendrik Lasure. 

Starting from the theme of opposites and inspired by Taoism and hip-hop, Lisa and Hendrik are creating a music album. Together with director Suze Milius they will turn the album into a theatrical concert. 

TWO. is not a solo is an exercise in reestablishing the idea of opposites; to experience what exists in between two extremes. What happens when two people meet. 

Expect a musical and theatrical concert, words and music that make you feel and think, both hard and soft, both dark and light, with smoke and fire, water in the desert, not ugly nor beautiful, all yin and yang, about you and me. 


by and with Lisa Verbelen and Hendrik Lasure 
director Suze Milius 
dramaturgy Roos Euwe 
lighting design Emanuel Nijkerk
technician Timo Merkies
production manager Lena Meijer
english sidekick Emma Wierda
album mixed by Jens Bouttery
backing vocals album Annelinde Bruijs, Jens Bouttery, Ilias Moen
production and publicity BOG. & Het Zuidelijk Toneel 
in cooperation with De Grote Post 

with the support of Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Melanie Foundation
with thanks to Ballhaus Ost, De Pianofabriek, De Brakke Grond

About Lisa

Lisa Verbelen (1988) studied Theatrical Performance at De Toneelacademie in Maastricht, and a Master in Music Theatre at the Conservatory of Den Haag. 
Together with five others, Lisa founded the theatre collective BOG. in 2013. BOG. is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and creates performances based on texts written by the creators themselves. Under the wings of BOG. Lisa makes solo work: ONE. Solo by Lisa Verbelen (2015) and ALL. solo by Lisa Verbelen (2019). These works have been on tour mostly in the Netherlands and Belgium, and ONE. also in Rumania, England and Iran.

ONE. solo by Lisa Verbelen was nominated for the BNG Bank Nieuwe Theatermakersprijs 2016 in The Netherlands and was awarded with the prize for Best Vocal Design at Fadjr International Theatre Festival 2017 in Teheran. In 2018 Lisa received the Operadagen Rotterdam Award for her contribution to music theatre. ALL. was selected in 2020 for the Theaterfestival in Belgium being one of the most remarkable performances that season.  

‘Lisa Verbelen is a remarkable musical performer. (…) Her renderings on stage are intimate, lucid, decisive. She calls out the complexity of all things, which is then translated into a comprehensible score for her audience. What she does is imbued with rhythm; an internal beat. It is no exaggeration to say that ‘she’s got it’.’
– the jury of the Operadagen Rotterdam Award 2018. 

About Hendrik

Hendrik Lasure (1997) studied piano at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and was awarded with the Toots Thielemans Jazz Award at his graduation in 2017.
Hendrik is a musical jack of all trades, known for his band SCHNTZL, the ensemble Warm Bad, the trio Thunderblender, or APQ, or Bombataz or in the band of An Pierlé.
SCHNTZL, the celebrated and many-awarded duo he forms with Casper Van De Velde, gets praised for its quirky idiom with references to the minimalism of Wim Mertens and Philip Glass, enriched with contemporary electronic elements and improvisation.
The album Garden Head by the ensemble Warm Bad was awarded with the Sabam Jazz Award 2020.
Hendrik also composes music for film and theatre, including the performance Talkshow (2018) by Suze Milius, in which Lisa performed as an actor. Out of this collaboration the wish was born to work together, and get to know each other’s language.


“Rarely do concert performances feel as organic and innovative as this catchy gem.”
Jury of Het Theaterfestival 2023

“Two is not a solo is disarming theatre and a brilliant concert”
Ela Çolak in de Volkskrant

Practical information
Performance period: Autumn 2023 and Spring/Summer 2024
Can be performed in black box theatres (seated audience) or concert hall (standing audience)
Cast: two performers
Technical crew: two technicians
Duration: 70 minutes
Language: English
Cost: on request, please contact our head of business Anne Baltus: